First foods are the first tastes that your baby will try. They include foods that are relatively mild and are easy on the baby's digestive system. There are many different recommendations on when and what you start to feed your little one.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (
AAP) recommends beginning solids at 6 months but many doctors still recommend starting solids anywhere between 4-6 months or when the baby is showing signs that they need to starting eating solids. It is recommended that foods are started no later than 6 months though. It is also recommended that foods are only feed from a spoon and never in a bottle. See list of signs baby might be ready and see link. up more often than before
-begins reaching for what you are eating
-watches you while you eat
-is a supported sitter
It is widely accepted to begin feeding cereals then following with first foods, there are some groups that feel you do not need to start with cereals and can begin feeding the most mild of foods. Cereals include - Rice, Oatmeal, Barley, Mixed Grains (always begin with rice as it is the least allergenic)
First foods are easy to make and consist of the vegetable or fruit and some water, breast milk or formula to make the right consistency. These foods are in their most natural form when made by you and have no additives or preservatives. These foods include :
Vegetables: ............................................................ Fruits:
Sweet Potato ..........................................................Pear
Squash ....................................................................Apple
Pea ..........................................................................Peach
Green Bean ............................................................Prune
Avocado .................................................................Banana
There is also controversy on which to start first, vegetable or fruit. It is more commonly suggested to begin with the vegetables and then offer fruits. I have found that by giving my son vegetables first he is more likely to eat them then getting fruit first. Babies tend to like a sweeter taste because breast milk is naturally sweet.
To be sure that your baby is not allergic to any food, it is important to feed your baby a single food for at least 3-4 days before moving onto the next food and longer if your family has food allergies. Be on the lookout for signs such as vomiting, hives, rashes, breathing difficulties, coughing, etc. See link on food allergies. My Family:There are many pressures when it comes to beginning solids with your baby from doctors, family members, peers and even yourself. Although the
AAP does not recommend starting food until 6 months, you must do what is right for your baby. Some babies grow at a faster rate therefore needing to start solids a little earlier than 6 months, others are still thriving on milk alone. Do what is best for your family.
We started our little man on solids earlier than 6 months due to issues with acid reflux. Our doctor recommended starting rice cereal around 3 months because that was one thing he would take when he wouldn't take a bottle because of the pain and we needed to get something in him. Since we started the rice earlier we began feeding solid foods around 4 months because he was used to eating off a spoon and was showing all of the signs of begin ready to begin trying new tastes. Since his reflux was under control with medicine, we went ahead and began to introduce new foods ( it is not recommended to start foods unless reflux is under control because it can make it worse). He has been doing very well with solids and we are expanding his
palette every day with new tastes.
Good luck with your adventures in first tastes! Recipes for first foods are on their way!